Tuesday, December 2, 2008

secret Search Engine Phantom

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This Breakthrough System Includes 4Cutting-Edge Tools That Have Quietly And Effectively Helped Generate BILLIONS Of Website Visitors In The Past 3 Years!You want money?Then you need traffic. Lots and lots and LOTS of traffic! And the more traffic you get, the more money you make.It's THAT simple!

You've got your own product to sell? You need TRAFFIC to sell it.
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You've got a mailing list to build? You need TRAFFIC to build it.
You've got Google ads to be clicked? You need TRAFFIC to click them.Got the message? Good! Now let's get down to business...
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Secret Article Submission Wizard

Drive Insane Traffic To Your Website Using The Magic And Power OfArticle Submission!
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I finally stopped to add up all of the money I had been spending on advertising my web site. Fifty dollars here, a hundred there; pretty soon it had become a substantial amount of money and I wasn't seeing much in return. On top of all that, I was pouring more than I care to even think about into Google and Yahoo ads...
Then I tried other "solutions" to this problem, but they sucked as well. I felt there was need for something new, something more advanced and more profit targeted...
Click Here!

secret google wealth wizard

Why do some affiliates make thousands of dollars every day ...while YOU have tried everthing in your power to succeed and still, you struggle to make any money? What if there was a way for you to learn the secrets of the rich affiliates and use it to make $300, $400 - even $500 every day, how would that change your life?
Your first step is to read this article in its entirety. Please don't just skim through it-I don't want you to miss a single word, because the secret ingredient for becoming a successful affiliate is hidden in this article. And when I reveal to you...the secret of the Rich Affiliates, you simply cannot fail to make secret money.
Making money from Affiliate Marketing the internet is easy if you know how.
There are only 2 ways to get this crucial "know how." You either have to figure it out for yourself or you simply copy someone who already knows how.
You may already have tried to figure it out for yourself and not succeeded, or you may even be completely new to this whole "affiliate marketing" business. Either way, today is your lucky day...your search for the answer is finally OVER.
My name is Kenny Thompson Oboh and I am one of the most successful affiliates on the internet today, so if you want to know how YOU too can become very wealthy as an affiliate...how you can start secret making $300, $400...$500...even thousands of dollars a day...I will take you by the hand right now and show you step-by-step how you can copy my methods today.

Monday, December 1, 2008

secret “30 Niches..COMPLETELY Researched...Handed To YOU OnA Silver Platter...

Admit it! You're sick and tired of how-to books that leave you with more questions than answers...and an empty bank account to boot. And Nobody gives a rat's behind. Well...I finally said 'Nuts to this' and did something about it. The Private ChatThat Will Change YOUR Life
I was talking with a friend of mine. He said to me any time I needed a favor to just ask. So I did. I asked him to research a niche for me to see if it's profitable. He laughed in my face. 'Are you out of your mind?' he asked...'You'd have to pay thousands of dollars to somebody to have them do niche research for you...' I asked him why...and the answer was a simple one...Because THAT is the WHOLE BALL GAME! Thousands of dollars...to research one niche.

How to secret write million dollar ads,sale later & web marketing pieces

How to secret write million dollar ads,sale later & web marketing pieces
Dear Friend,
Answer this question: Does every ad, sales letter, and web marketing piece you create produce the results you're really after? Are they as profitable as you'd like them to be?Even if your ads and sales letters are doing all right... even if you're squeezing out a few sales on the Internet... wouldn't you like to increase your results by as much as 9 times?As spectacular as this might sound, one of Bob Serling's clients did just that. Using what I'm about to show you, he increased his profits by 917% (it's all documented later in this letter). And many more of Bob's clients increased their profits by 300% or more.How did they achieve such stellar results? Actually, the answer is quite simple. If you want to improve your sales and profits exponentially, the secret to doing it is:
More pawerful conceps anda copy

It's just that simple. Look, I don't care how great your product is, how attractive your website may be, what lists you're using, how well ranked your website is on the engines, how inexpensively you can reach thousands of prospects on the web, or how unique any other component of your advertising might be.The bottom line is this: If you don't do an exceptional job of motivating your prospects to take immediate action... if you bore them for one second... if you confuse them... or don't do the strongest job possible of closing them once you have their attention......Click Here!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Keyword Tags – Importance of Keyword Tags

Keyword tags are an important element in all web pages. This is because keywords are the taglines which link our search for an item with a website dealing with that particular item, or an item closely associated with the product we are looking for. The keyword tags of a certain website immediately allow a search engine to understand the intended keyword of the page. If our search matches the keyword of the site therefore the page is high up on the search results thrown up by the Engine.

Thus keyword tags are one of the best ways of optimizing the number of visitors on your site. But of course it is not the only way, there are a thousand other SEO techniques. We will take a brief look at what these other techniques are in the following section;

1. Title tags

2. Description tags

3. Heading tags

4. Content

All these are as important for your websites success as the keyword tags. Make sure that all these basic elements of your site are in close accord with one another. Also your selected keyword tag needs to lead them all.

So here is what your plan of action needs to look like;

a. Keyword phrase must be put in the title and the title tag of the page.

b. Keyword phrase must then be put in keyword tag of the page

c. Keyword phrase must also be put at the very opening of the description of the site. When your website comes up on a search list the description will appear under the name, thus it’s important that your keyword tag be included in it. Use the keyword tag creatively, without forcefully shoving it in. remember first impressions count.

d. Keyword phrase must also be put in the heading tags on the page.

Use these well tried out techniques in order to optimize it for the keyword tag you have chosen for your page

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘

Monday, September 1, 2008

Conducting Keyword Research (secretkeyword)

If you are into SEO or Search Engine Optimization of your website, keyword research is an extremely important part. If your keyword research is not done properly then all your efforts to rank high in search engines would be wasted.

Keyword research involves a series of steps that need to be undertaken so that you do not end up with wrong keyword phrases.

Brainstorming for appropriate keyword terms is an important part of keyword research. You should put yourself in your potential website visitor’s shoes to come up with relevant keywords. This will give you an idea as to what sort of keyword terms would a search feed into a search engine in order to have your website or web page displayed to him. Here is the step you can think of alternate spellings, synonyms etc.

A very important aspect of keyword research is conducting a survey of past and potential website visitors. This will give you an idea which keyword terms draw the biggest traffic and produce a high rate of conversion. This is considered to be a good method of expanding your database of keyword phrases.

Use the keyword research tools to your advantage. These tools will give you information on the number of times web searchers have used a particular search term. You can analyze your keyword trends using keyword research tools. There are many keyword research tools available but the most popular are Wordtracker and Overture.

Using all the information you have gathered from keyword research tools, you should list down the keyword terms and the traffic different terms get. This will help you select keyword terms for your website.

Once you have the keyword terms, you should insert them in your website and web pages. Now is the time you should do performance testing and analyzes of the keyword terms. There are tools available that will help you measure the traffic and conversion for a particular keyword term. You will be in a position to figure out which keyword terms work for you and which you should discard.

Keyword research is an important part if you want to optimize your website and it is something you should never neglect, no matter what advice you get from others.

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e-commerce business from start to finish, CSS Html Template Tutorial, Optimize Internet Business Search Engine Ranking Tips,

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pauline_Go

Monday, August 4, 2008

SEO And Keyword Research(secret keyword)

SEO or search engine optimization of a website must start with a proper keyword research. Keyword here refers to the words or phrases that a web searcher types into Google or any other search engine box. What has to be researched here? Well keyword research is defined as the act of determining those keywords/phrases by which people search for a topic of interest on the Internet. SEO professionals have to thus develop the art of choosing the apt keyword that will be used by the potential customer and then optimize the website/ webpage for such a search. When a particular keyword is used to search our website, it must be ranked high on the SERP (search engine results page).

Keyword research is a technique that one can master by experience. There are many free and paid keyword research tools available online that can be used. Here are some important points during keyword research that must be kept in mind:

  • Get familiar with the target audience
  • Select keywords that have high search volume
  • Familiarize with the specific industry terms
  • General terms are more competitive
  • Low volume but very specific keyword can get quality traffic
  • Reach a balance with regards to volume and quality
  • Better to focus on the specific long tail keyword (those with more than three words)

There are many types of keyword research tools like keyword suggestion tools, keyword valuation tool, keyword density analysis tool, keyword editing tools, keyword modifiers etc. These tools can help one to choose the right keyword and then to decide on which to target and finalize depending on the competition.

The author of this article is Ricci Mathew of Outsource Strategies International (OSI), a US based company that offers services in Search Engine Optimization, SEM, and PPC advertising for clients across the US.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Profit From Secret Keyword Data Served Up by AOL Gaffe(secretkeyword)

Internet marketing scores a secret intelligence coup. In late July AOL mistakenly released information about 20 million keyword searches made by its subscribers on the AOL network. More specifically the data gave us an inside look at the search patterns of around 658,000 AOL users over a three-month period. These searches represented 1/3 of 1% of all keyword searches on AOL during that period. Before you get put off by the supposedly small sample size you should be aware that most major media polls are done with samples of 1,000 subjects.

The brouhaha over the release concerned privacy issues - some searches were for user names. At least one search term was for "how to murder my wife" along with the usual suspects on porn and party drugs. The data confirms what we all seemed to know anyway - that people will use the internet to search for information on absolutely anything and everything under the sun.

One way to look at the intel from the AOL gaffe is with the assurance that the search engines provide almost unlimited potential for internet marketing. If you can think of it, whatever it may be, somebody will be searching for it. Of course that does not mean that every niche is equally profitable or even that you can make any money from every niche, but it should provide enough incentive for internet marketers to get and stay creative.

Perhaps more revealing than what AOL users were searching for was how they searched for it. Almost 92% of these sample searches began and ended on the first organic search page served up by AOL. 92% of anything is a huge proportion. About 4 1/2% ended their search on the second page, and 2 1/4% ended their search on the third page.

What are some of the implications in terms of numbers? Say you are targeting a keyword that gets 10,000 hits a month, not exactly an obscure niche. 9,200 of those searches will not get beyond the first organic search page. 450 of those searches will not get beyond the second page, and 225 will not get beyond the third page.

For internet marketers the message should be clear. If you are writing web pages on popular topics and optimizing them for the most popular keywords - you may be wasting your time, your money, and your psychic energy. Only a small percentage of searchers are going to see them. Maybe that is OK with you so long as you understand that if you are on the third search page you are competing for 225 clicks and not 10,000. If you are on the fourth search page or lower you are competing for 100 clicks and probably less.

The other valuable piece of secret intel we get from AOL is that almost 50% of all clicks on their organic search pages went to the top search position. About 13% went to the second search position, and about 9% went to the third search position. The remaining clicks were distributed more or less equally on search positions across the rest of the page.

If we use our 10,000 clicks per month example, and you are in the fourth or lower position on the the third page, you are competing for 50 or 60 clicks per month. That does not mean you are getting 50 or 60 clicks per month - you are only competing for them against five or more other competitors.

Do these statistics also apply to Google and Yahoo? We do not know. For you to believe otherwise, however, you have to conclude that AOL users are different in some meaningful way than Google and Yahoo users.

This is a uniquely valuable look inside the search engines. You may want to adjust your internet marketing strategy accordingly.

(c) 2006 by Peter Boston. Peter is an attorney, writer, and the editor of keywordsniche.com a copywriting, internet marketing and search engine optimization resource site.

Keyword Research Tips - Word Tracker Versus Yahoo Keyword Suggestion Tool (secretkeyword)

In order to find profitable niche markets, use search engine optimization, and set up pay per click advertising campaigns you need to search for popular keywords and find out statistics using keyword research tools.

Because the Yahoo Keyword Suggestion Tool is free most people decide to use it for their keyword research but its not as accurate as Word Tracker.

This is because many rank checkers and bid management tools search Yahoo to find their results and this causes the numbers to be artificially inflated, especially for popular keywords, which can give the impression that some keywords are more popular than they actually are.

It also does not separate plural and singular versions of keywords so you will need to manually add plural versions because they are used separately and give different results when you search for them using most search engines.

If you want accurate results and detailed statistics you should consider using a more advanced keyword research tool called Word Tracker which has many essential features which will save you a lot of time and effort.

The most useful feature will provide you with a list of similar keywords that bear any relation to your search query. These keywords are worth targeting and many will turn out to be very profitable.

There is also a competition search that will help you find keywords with less competition which are easier to achieve high rankings for, allowing you to gain more traffic for less work.

Word Tracker is an invaluable tool for your search engine optimization plan and pay per click advertising campaign and it will make your research a lot easier while giving you an advantage over everyone who uses the Yahoo Keyword Suggestion Tool.

There is actually a free keyword research tool provided by Digital Point that will search both Word Tracker and Yahoo Keyword Suggestion Tool together and show the results side by side so that you can clearly see the difference between the two.

Digital Point Keyword Suggestion Tool: http://www.marketingoasis.com/direct/digitalpoint/

This article was written by Simon Akers who is the editor of the Marketing Oasis newsletter, a free internet marketing ezine packed with tips to help you succeed and increase your profits: http://www.MarketingOasis.com

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Home Mortgage has 242 advertisers fighting against each other to pay you per click higher than the other. So, thats the most paying keyword here.

98% people rely on CPC as the only criteria for judging a High Paying keyword or industry. And in the end are dissapointed. Obviously, who is going to pay you like $15 per click if there are no Advertisers bidding on a keyword?

Shocked to see what real picture of keywords can look like? Yes! there are many many keywords on Google Adwords system that have high CPC but are not profitable to target. And many keyword tools online are just befooling you.

The good news is, now the complete picture of High paying keywords is just a click away.
I came across this site that offers a 'Keyword Search Engine' that can let you do much more indepth research on High paying Adsense keywords.

It not only shows you high paying keywords, but also pin points you:
- Niche keywords
- Traffic building keywords
- High CTR keywords
- Heavily Advertised keywords
and keywords on which you can build more content.

I am sure you wont like to live on the mercy of Google anymore! Join the rest 2% people who do the research - right and get more out of Adsense!